Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What I Wore

Somehow the hours between 8 pm and 11 pm FLY. Other parts of the day seem to slowly pass, but once the little boys are in bed, the time slips through my fingers. I try to cram in every chore and every relaxing activity that I can--which is beautifully paradoxical. Anyone else with me on this? ;)

This has been my night tonight:

Put the boys to bed.
Have husband take a few outfit photos.
Pull some weeds in the garden before the sun goes down.
Switch over a load of laundry.
Straighten up the toys.
Watch half of an episode of "Royal Pains" on Netflix with husband.
Start a blog post.
Encounter writer's block.
Get distracted looking at updates on Facebook.
Click on a new music video.
Finish the blog post.
Drink a cup of tea.
Read a devo.
Finish the episode of "Royal Pains".
Practice a little yoga.
Wash sippy cups for the morning.
Race the clock to get into bed by midnight.


Maybe someday I'll have time to distribute these to-dos throughout my day, but for now, this is life in the trenches with little ones who can never go unsupervised ;)

Shirt | Mossimo (last year). Similar one here.
Sandals | Crocs Sexi Flip
Earrings | Target

It never reached 70 today, and it was a bit rainy, but I still love the freedom to wear sleeveless shirts in June. Nolan has one muscle shirt that he ALWAYS wants to wear, and he points out to everyone, "My arms are sticking out!" ;)


Linking up with Lindsey, Alison, and Shanna

for the Every Girl Link-Up, we'll be sharing book suggestions and recommendations! So gather your favorite reads and be ready to share! We know we're always in the market for a fabulous book, especially during the summer months and with vacations on the horizon!

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  1. Such a cute look! I'm stopping by from the Random Wednesday Linkup!

    Crumbs & Curls

  2. Love a tank and a good pair of jeans!

  3. Your hair is so long and pretty! I love that top!

  4. I love this outfit! And your hair looks amazing!


Thank you so much for your comments! I enjoy reading each one!


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