We've had a fairly relaxing March, which has been nice, especially knowing that things are going to speed up in April with Easter, and traveling, and Nolan starting soccer.
One morning, I was making breakfast in the kitchen and thought this sight was extra cute. August will only stay still for Daniel Tiger. He even yells, "Daniel!" pretty clearly when he sees him!
These were the books we read during our dinosaur-themed week! Camp Rex and Sea Rex by Molly Idle were my favorites of these, as well as Santa Rex and Tea Rex, which we checked out from the library later.
Can't wait for warmer days at the park!
This is my favorite little hat! August likes to take it off and throw it out of his carseat in the store when I'm not looking. One week it ended up in the library's Lost & Found. After spending ten minutes searching for it on the floor at Trader Joe's on Sunday, I decided that we're retiring it now! :)
At Home Depot, the boys made periscopes! It's perfect for Nolan who wants to be a spy/detective!
My New Year's resolution was to read my Bible daily, and finding this One Year version was really the key I needed to start the habit. There are some parts I haven't ever read in their entirety (I'm in Deuteronomy now!) and some stories that I heard as a kid and have since forgotten. I'm learning and growing and realizing that so much of this faith journey is about being disciplined to take the time to be in the Word and to be in constant prayer.
Ephraim went to the dentist for the first time. Both boys got their teeth checked and did so well! Ephraim was proud of the little bag of goodies he got to take home. Nolan was excited about the toy army man with a parachute that he got to pick out. They played "dentist" all afternoon when we got home!
Those cheeks!
August had a fever one day, and he would not let me out of his sight. We braced ourselves that it might be the flu, but the next day he was fine!
Another theme: Outer Space! We liked, "You Can't Ride a Bicycle to the Moon" and "How the Meteorite Got to the Museum".
This boy is the sweetest! The other day, I mentioned how sad I was that I haven't seen any birds eat at our birdfeeder since I put it up in October. When I woke up the next morning, Nolan had drawn a beautiful, big red cardinal and taped it up to the window right next to the birdfeeder! Finally this week, a cute pair of house finches has found us!
Steve had a week off for spring break, so we headed to Pennsylvania to see our parents and friends! I got to visit my friends at my old MOPS group. It was so wonderful to see everyone!! I especially loved meeting this little sweetheart. My friend Kim has SIX BOYS, and on March 1, she had a GIRL! They never find out the gender ahead of time, so it was a complete surprise!
Steve's parents came down with the flu right after we arrived, so we were so sad we didn't get to see them!
We didn't get much snow in Indiana this year, but our "spring break" in Pennsylvania was very cold and snowy!
We bought the movie, "The Incredibles", and Nolan and Ephraim are obsessed with it!
What to do on snowy days? Bake blueberry muffins!
The boys had a lot of fun running through the snow and throwing snowballs!
Our church in PA is doing a major remodel! This is the fellowship hall completely gutted. I have so many good memories from this room that I can't wait for the new, improved version!
Can you spy two little buddies?
Thoroughly enjoying my mom's lasagna!
St. Paddy's donuts from our favorite donut shop. They did not disappoint!
We made rainbows out of Fruit Loops, and they really liked that!
This wooden doll cradle was mine when I was little, and it sat broken in my mom's garage for many years. I asked Steve if he could fix it, and in just a few minutes, he was done! August loved climbing up into the seat - the perfect size for him!
Ephraim is our singer, our piano-pounder, and our lyric-rememberer. He's a little shy, but give him a microphone and he'll eat up the attention!
My favorite view! It was a beautiful, sunny drive back to Indiana. We had a delicious lunch at Quaker Steak with our friends Dave and Wendy.
I hope that this week is treating you well!