Life is so sweet with our Junia girl. As with any baby, she's a lot of work, and she makes it known that she wants the majority of my attention. This is hard with three older boys who also love attention. . . but goodness, she is adorable and innocent, and we are all so smitten with her.
My Aunt Karen made this gorgeous quilt for her!
All the heart eyes for that blue gingham dress and Cubs bow!
One day in the car, I turned around and saw these four, and just felt so blessed to have them all.
She takes her daytime naps in the sling, and I'm thankful that she can fall asleep so easily in it when we're out and about.
Steve and I celebrated our TENTH wedding anniversary!! August was sick on our anniversary, so we had to postpone going out. But a couple weeks later, we had dinner overlooking a lake, and it was perfect.
Best meal I've had in a long time! And Junia slept through the whole dinner! :)
Splash pad fun!
Independence Day girl.
On the Fourth of July, we watched a parade in the morning, and then at night we saw an awesome fireworks show from the comfort of our van.
MorMor and Junia!
Our traditional sugar cookie flag, with cream cheese frosting! The kids LOVE it.
Junia's two month photo! She had just started to smile and coo and melt us with those blue eyes!
The boys would say that TOY STORY 4 was a huge highlight of their summer! Again, Junia slept through the whole thing - which meant that I could hold August on my lap, which I loved. Such a great movie!
Helping me make homemade pizza.
LOVE this photo of Junia and Ephraim!
Our summer container garden in its prime. It's mostly been a success, despite some root rot from all the rain we got in June.
Chick-Fil-A cow appreciation day!
Thanks Chick-Fil-A for five free meals!!
This is the little dress that I used to announce that we were having a GIRL!
More summer photos to follow! :)