Wednesday, January 30, 2019

It's a GIRL!!

We went in for our 21-week ultrasound a few weeks ago, and we were as nervous and excited as anyone could ever be! We decided not to find out the gender in the office. I knew I would be very emotional either way, and I wanted to be able to process it privately. The baby's feet were crossed, so we weren't sure if the tech was getting a good look. But she wrote down the sex and put it in an envelope for us to open later. The baby looked very healthy and normal, praise God! All three boys were with us to see the baby on the screen, which was a neat experience for them.

So, we made it as far as our favorite park across the street from the doctor's office, and we opened up the envelope! Inside was a photo of the baby, and it said "It's a girl!" We were thrilled! The boys were elated too, as a girl was their guess/wish all along.

Stephen and I were shocked for several days, and part of me wanted to go back to the office and make them double check. But now, I'm trusting that it really is a girl, and I'm getting so excited!

Having three boys has been amazing, and we are so happy that now we get to experience having a daughter as well. It really is an answer to prayer.

This pregnancy so far has been exactly like my first three, dispelling any old wives' tales of feeling more sick with baby girls, or carrying higher, or craving more sweets. I am so grateful for this little life inside me. . .  this baby girl who is already such a gift to us.

My cousin Lindsay and her husband Chris sent us these flowers soon after we found out, which was so sweet! Lindsay and Chris have three boys and a girl, too. :)

Looking forward to May!


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