Friday, February 26, 2016

Life Lately

Happy Friday morning to you! I hope this finds you warming up with a cup of coffee as you settle in for your day. We've had a great week, and I've got a few photos to prove it :) The boys and I don't have much planned for the weekend, but I'm excited to check out "Fuller House" tonight on Netflix!

The other day, the sun was shining perfectly into our dining room as the boys had their snack--so I had to snap a few pictures.

One blue-eyed boy and one brown-eyed boy. . . <3 <3

On Saturday, we drove to my cousin Dayna's house to meet her three-week-old baby boy. He is so precious and tiny, and I immediately fell in love.

We went to Chick-Fil-A with Dayna, her three kids, and my Aunt Sally for lunch. Then we ventured over to a really fun park. The weather was just gorgeous--a high of 67! It was quite windy, but we got the fresh air we all so definitely needed.

Catching his brother on the slide :)

It's so hard to get them both in a photo, much less smiling. You have to take what you can get :)

Aunt Sally spoiled the kids with popsicles out on the porch. 

Catching one more moment with the baby before we had to say goodbye!

On Saturday night, I made a loaf of blueberry poppyseed bread. Mmm! I didn't get to enjoy very much of it though because I had an unfortunate stomach bug on Sunday.

On Sunday, Ephraim and I hung out in the nursery at church. He likes to conduct this train and shout "choo choo!"

Then we visited Grandma and Grandpa for pizza, Play-Doh, and trains :)

Working on some meal-planning and new recipes!

Yesterday, Nolan and I had dentist appointments with a new dentist. Ashley Graham was being interviewed on "Ellen", which is so surreal because I graduated high school with her in Nebraska! She looked beautiful. She's currently on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

Nolan totally impressed me by staying still and not squirming during his appointment! This was the first time he's gone to the dentist for a real cleaning and not just a peek into his mouth. The hygienist was wonderful with him. She made it all fun, but kept things calm.

 He got to go home with a Chick Hicks toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, and a couple of toys. He basically played with them all afternoon :)

Snowy Thursday afternoons are for baking! Ghirardelli has a really delicious dark chocolate chip cookie mix. Makes things easy!


Steve had a snowy commute home, so we were happy to see him at 8. We gave him hugs, and the boys fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows.

Have a happy weekend, everyone! 

Keep up with us on Insta @rachel.zimm. ;)

P.S. Astleigh and I are hosting an Instagram challenge throughout the year. Each Monday a new theme will be given. During the week, post a photo that gives your take on the topic. Get creative, get colorful, get unique! And on Fridays we'll pick our favorite and share it on our feeds! You in?! We'll be sharing next week's topic on Monday. And you've still got time to post a photo for this week! The theme is "Current Reads."


  1. I'll be trying out Fuller House with you! Let's see if I can convince Pete to watch it too :)
    Have a great weekend, you four!! xo

  2. I have one blue eyed and one brown eyed too. I love love it!


Thank you so much for your comments! I enjoy reading each one!


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