As the wife of a college professor, I think April just might be the fastest and busiest month of the year. Can you believe the college semester is over for Steve at the end of this week? The boys and I are getting excited to have him home with a free schedule soon! (Until he starts teaching summer courses later.) Here's a little peek into what we've been up to!
When we got back from our trip to Pennsylvania for the funerals, August was sounding a little wheezy, so we took him to the doctor, and the doctor gave him a nebulizer. Holding a one-year-old during a nebulizer treatment? - that was a new kind of torture for both of us! He ended up being fine, and I think it was just a result of teething and a runny nose.
I've been trying to master the lacy, wrinkly, big-as-your-hand kind of chocolate chip cookie. This batch worked out nicely, but they were a little crunchy, so I want to work on perfecting them.
The boys asked to go outside and pick dandelions and flowers. We have pretty little grape hyacinths scattered around the front yard.
A tiny vase for tiny hand-picked flowers :)
We still have some cold days, but the warm ones have been wonderful! It's been so nice to take the stroller out for walks.
August was checking out the cute duck couple in our backyard. We fed them pieces of bread, and they warmed up to us. They came back the next morning, and I wondered if we had new pets, but they haven't returned since.
Ephraim: "Mommy, will you come to the party in the teepee?"
Me: "I can't right now, I'm helping Nolan with his schoolwork."
Ephraim: "You have to make a pattern: Party, School, Party, School, Party, School!"
Life lessons from my 4-year-old.
I live to see him smile!!
He climbs up on the rocking chair with a favorite book and reads to himself!
No product to style this hair, except maybe some peanut butter & jelly. :)
Nolan and his cousin are on the same U6 soccer team! They are so fun to watch!
The boys and I planted lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, and green beans. We bought only container-friendly seeds so that we can keep them in pots in case we end up moving houses this summer.
After one week of growth, all but the sweet peppers had sprouted! This week, the green beans are about a foot tall, and the sweet peppers have come up. Every year, I am so amazed at the miracle of growing seeds!
Speaking of which, we borrowed these books from the library to learn more about seeds and plants. I really love, "Plants Can't Sit Still" and "The Forest Feast".
The daylight has been sticking around until past bedtime. It's hard for them to get in a sleepy mood when the sun's still shining.
August is so much fun these days. He understands nearly all of what I say to him or ask him to do, and he is starting to say a few words!
The white blossoming trees are so pretty this week. Thanks, Spring, for finally showing up!
And as of a couple weeks ago, our birdfeeder finally has daily visitors! They are a few brown sparrows and one cute chickadee, and I love sitting at the dining room table and watching them.
The perfect shirt for a crazy birdwatcher like me. It was only $5 at Target :) And thanks, Aunt Meg, for making this pretty mug!
Hope your week starts off to a smooth start!
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