Monday, October 1, 2012

starting up again

I go back and forth daily, wondering if I should start this blog up again.  I am leaning towards "yes", as I have many new ideas fluttering through my head.  Also, since a friend just told me that my sewing projects from last summer were encouraging her to sew, I decided to pull out my machine for a few new projects, which I just completed.

I am nervous though.  I am known to frequent Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogs galore, Youtube, Gmail,  I am not sure if my brain can handle one more site to visit, let alone be in control of.  We shall see!  Even though there were many things that I could have blogged about this past year with my new baby, I am glad that I took a break so that I could completely absorb him and not be distracted with one more thing.  I may have to updates some highlights of my year later on. :)

HAPPY OCTOBER!  Can you believe I almost have a 13-month-old?

1 comment:

  1. I thought I'd let you know that I did indeed bust out my sewing machine and I made Dan 2 bow ties for our anniversary. I'm just a tiny bit proud of myself and I owe it to you! Since you just jumped into sewing I decided I could too and I am planning on sewing George's Halloween costume!


Thank you so much for your comments! I enjoy reading each one!


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