Friday, May 17, 2013

a big decision

Yesterday morning, Steve finished writing his last final paper. His classes for his PhD are officially over! He next will work on passing a test in August, and then he is “ABD”—All But Dissertation. For now, it is SUMMER!

In April, Steve had an interview for a TA (Teaching Assistant) job for the 2013-2014 school year. With this position, he would teach his own English classes at the university. He was a TA from 2009-2011 at his undergrad/master’s university. And for the past two years, he has been a GA (Graduate Assistant), helping out a professor with research, errands, and paperwork. For the new TA position, everyone else in his cohort was applying as well, so we were very uncertain if he was going to get it. On April 18, he opened his e-mail to:

“Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for a position as a part-time temporary instructor for 6 credits for the 2013-2014 academic year!”

Steve and I were so excited!  We hugged and celebrated for a few minutes. And then Steve reread the e-mail, and saw this:

“You will be assigned all 6 credits (2 courses) in the Spring, and
no courses in the Fall.”

Our faces fell. Instead of hiring a few TAs—who would each teach four classes over a whole school year, the university split the positions in half. Everyone got a job, but for only two classes during one semester.

Steve’s job does not begin until January 27th, 2014. We were anticipating a full year job, with a doubled paycheck. Now, he won’t work, or get paid from the university for eight months. Yikes!

So we began brainstorming what we are going to do.

Steve’s side job for the past three years has been remodeling and painting. About two days a week, he drives an hour to his hometown to work. If he wants to make this his full-time job for the summer and fall, I don’t want him driving two hours round-trip, and I don’t want him gone 12 hours a day.

So we are contemplating moving to Steve’s hometown. He would still have to commute next January-May to teach his classes, but hopefully it would only be two or three days a week, and for just a few hours at a time.

We could have our parents within minutes of us, and we would have our church family there as well.

But it’s still not an easy decision. There are plusses and minuses to living in each place. We have established some roots here for two years (although shallow ones). Nolan was born here! We have made some sweet friends. I knew this was not our forever home, but I also thought we would be here for four years, instead of just two.

If we move, our next place will be our fifth address in only four years of marriage.

So we’ll keep praying for God’s direction. Our lease is up at the end of July. We still have a little bit of time to make this big decision.


  1. It is a big decision, but God will make it clear. He always does when we seek Him and wait for His revelation. Can't wait to see what He does!

  2. That is a really big glad you have some time to think it all over :) I am sure you will make the right one :) Good luck!

  3. Congratulations on getting so close to finishing a PhD. Wow! I remember feeling stressed for a few months there too while my husband was finishing his master's. But it all worked out beautifully. Wishing the same for you.

  4. I can relate to the whole moving thing. How great to be near family though?! God's plan is always better than the one we have for ourselves!

  5. Congrats!! sounds like you guys may have an unexpected adventure ahead of you! but God has a plan. and even when its not what you expected, His plan always seems to turn out better than you could have ever hoped :). so excited to hear where these next few months take you!


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