Monday, May 13, 2013

log cabin playhouses and the discovery of ketchup | non-stagrams

Good morning, brown eyes.

Another cute diaper from the Honest Company.

I bought these cute sandals with a coupon. I’m excited to wear them. It’s been a little chilly here, but Wednesday forecast says 82!

He loves the fountain at the mall.

I tried a copycat version of Starbucks’ vanilla steamer from Disney’s "babble". It tasted really similar, was delicious, and had this thick (almost marshmallowy) froth that a I didn’t expect from using a blender and not a special frother.

We went to Wendy’s on Wednesday. Nolan discovered ketchup. And he loved it. We had to buy more fries because he was eating them so excitedly.


Handsome, hard-working husband.

We had a yard sale with my mom’s group on Friday. My friend Briana’s husband Ryan came dressed similar to Steve. I kept doing double takes at him because I thought he was Steve.

At the yard sale, there was a little log cabin playhouse. Nolan kept opening and closing the shutters “Hi! Bye! Hi! Bye!”

Steve is such a wonderful dad. He is amazing at entertaining and playing with Nolan.

My friend Beth Anne gave me some pretty scarves at the yard sale!

I had my hot fudge jars and some handmade things for sale, but I wasn’t very successful. :( 

Almost done with the next five of my thirty bundts. This one was cherry coke flavored.

Hanging out at Grandma’s. I got him the little LarryBoy figurine, and he’s been carrying it around A LOT.

Nolan loves this wheelchair ramp at church. He would run up and down it all day long if I let him. Yesterday morning, he sat down on it and tried rocking forward, as if it were a slide!

Our church gave all the ladies & moms this little box of inspirational cards.

Playing with some plastic oranges.

Three generations

A sweet card from my mom and stepdad.

Thankful for “Max & Ruby” episodes on the long ride home.
(And a milkshake for mommy while she’s driving.)

Some really great things happened this week that I’ll have to write about later.

One big thing: Steve had his LAST class ever on Thursday! He isn’t quite done yet though—he has to write two 20-page papers by this coming Thursday.

Catch you later! Have a great week!


  1. Like always...I love catching up on your weekend through your photos :) Looks like all three of you had a great time! Glad to see/hear you had a good Mother's Day as well :)

  2. Love the catch up! Cute sandals, and veryyy cute diaper. :)


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