I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday! We walked to my in-laws’ house, and enjoyed a really nice meal together. Another highlight of my day was face-timing with my extended family in Minneapolis!
Ephraim loved his first Thanksgiving, I think :) And today he is 10 months-old! Stop, time, stop!
Little man is always finding trouble. He loves to play with Ivy’s dishes and dump out the water onto the floor. He knows he’s not supposed to, so he is all SMILES while he does it. :)
A couple of nights ago, he was playing Peekaboo with me on the changing table. It was ADORABLE.
As for Mr. Nolan, he is as fun and frustrating as ever! He is so sweet and says the funniest things, but the boy can throw a three-year-old fit like the best of them!
We had beautiful weather on Monday. It gave Nolan a chance to play in the sandbox, and gave me a chance to clean up the backyard a bit. We saw a double rainbow even though we didn’t have rain!
This week, I just can’t get enough hot drinks. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate—all day long. I tried a free sample of Gevalia from Pinchme.com. It was pretty strong, but good. Swedish things make me happy. :)
Plumb has a new hit on the radio, “Lord, I’m Ready Now”. I’ve been listening to her since junior high, and she is still writing such great songs! I’ve got this one on repeat now. But I suppose today I am breaking out my favorite Amy Grant Christmas CDs :)
Enjoy the weekend!! Here’s to finding some awesome Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday deals!
Follow me on Instagram @floralandfudge
Linking up for Friday Favorites with Andrea, Erika, & Narci.
Everybody knows that Saturday is the most popular day of the week for weddings, but that doesn't mean that it is the only option. Friday weddings are more popular than ever, and they can have several important advantages. Get prepared with these wedding planning ideas for Friday weddings.