Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Favorites

Friday, I am happy to see you! We have had a long week of being homebound due to snow and sickness. Nolan came down with something on Sunday night, and the poor guy is still coughing through the night, not feeling 100%. The rest of us have caught it from him, though it has manifested itself differently in each of us. I am so ready to get rid of this virus and hopefully get a full night’s sleep soon!

Here are some of my favorite things from the week!

Nolan’s going through a big Mommy phase lately. “Mommy, you’re my best mommy I ever seen-d” is a sentence I’ve heard a few times :) How sweet!

Ephraim loves to crawl over to the CD player to dance! He will bounce and dish out huge smiles until someone turns on the music for him! It is absolutely adorable.

Graham Cracker Toffee

My favorite baking experiment of the week was this amazing graham cracker toffee. It is sinfully good. I posted the recipe yesterday (so easy with only 4 ingredients)!

This was my best outfit of the week. Thank you for all of your advice about hair curling with curling wands, flat irons, hot rollers, and no-heat methods! I have plans this weekend to watch a lot of YouTube hair tutorials and try out some new tactics—and hopefully I’ll find something that works for my very long, very straight hair!

And just for kicks, I saw this photo on my computer from a “What I Wore” post exactly a year ago. I was 39 weeks pregnant with Ephraim! My life was majorly about to change :)

There is still another day to enter my giveaway to win this wonderful Christian marriage book, “Team Us: Marriage Together”! If you are looking to get on the same page with your spouse, I really recommend it. Click here to go back to Monday’s post and enter to win :)


Thank the Lord for these two wonderful products! We splurged on a temporal thermometer a few weeks ago, and I am so glad we did! You just swipe it across the kid’s forehead to get a quick reading. It works much better than trying to fight the kid to keep it in their mouth or other region of the body. I have used it so many times this week!

Children under four aren’t allowed to have cough medicine, unfortunately. This natural Zarbee’s syrup is for 2 years and up. It’s a blend of honeys to sooth irritated throats with zinc and vitamin C to support the immune system. AND it contains melatonin to promote peaceful sleep. I really think it’s been helping Nolan the past few days, though I wish I could do more for him!

Hope you have a healthy, relaxing weekend! Stay warm, and see you back here on Monday :)

Follow me on Instagram @floralandfudge

Linking up for Friday Favorites with Andrea, Erika, & Narci.


  1. I loved that maternity wiww from last year! :) I hope Nolan feels better soon!

  2. This sickness going around is no joke! And I know all too well of it being different for all of us :( Hope you are all feeling better soon! I give Xavier the Zarbee's cough syrup too, but I haven't noticed a big difference :(

  3. Your boys are adorable!
    The graham cracker toffee looks delicious...I will have to make it!
    Love the temporal thermometers. I got one through Influenster a few months ago and I want to kick myself for not getting one sooner! I hope everyone feels better soon!

  4. Hope those cuties are all better for the weekend! Loving that outfit...thinking it may be my fave since I've been following!


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