Friday, January 22, 2016

A Cold & Cozy Week

Hello Friday! I've been thinking a lot about scaling back my posts from five days a week to three. I think this will greatly help me balance all of the pulls of motherhood, so expect new posts Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays!

This week has been COLD, and aside from a few small errands, we've really been really comfortable at home playing trains, eating lots of snacks, and reading plenty of books.

I'm not sure how many Cars cars we have (30?), but all four of us know all of their names like the backs of our hands. :)

Our bathroom remodel is so close to being done! With Ephraim's contributions, it'll be ready in no time.

Pulling out all the tools to help Daddy.

Last Friday, we joined MorMor and Papa Don for a Pizza Hut feast.

E was too busy dipping breadsticks to smile :)

On Tuesday morning, my friends and I surprised our friend Heidi with a baby sprinkle for her little boy due next month. My boys were so excited to sit at the booth with all of their buddies!

N and E love getting chocolate chip pancakes at restaurants, but I didn't account for the cupcakes from the baby sprinkle, and the cookies that Eat N Park gives out to kids. Sugar overload!

Happy little cookie monster. :)

Nolan got a Planes Fire and Rescue "Chutes and Ladders" game for Christmas, and he is really loving it. It's so fun to see him learn how to play board games, understand the rules, and accept both winning and losing.

I made my Aunt Meg's Mexican dip, and I posted the recipe last night. Check that out here-- it's my absolute favorite salsa dip!

Some of the best moments happen when putting these two to bed. For many months, Nolan always says the exact same prayer, "Dear God, thank you for my family. And thank you for my little brother, Ephraim." He has never changed his wording, even when we've encouraged him to. But last night, out of nowhere, he added, "And please help Mommy to make the signs for Ephraim's party." At some point in the day, he must have overheard me telling Steve that I was having trouble designing them. How perceptive, and how sweet of him! I love age four.

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great weekend! Stay warm!

Keep up with us on Instagram @rachel.zimm


  1. I love and miss Eat N Park now that I'm not in PA anymore!!! I go with my Dad every time I'm home to visit. And I have to say, all my brothers and I all pretended to be younger than we really were for as long as possible just to get the free cookie after our meal ;) How sweet of Nolan!! Both of your boys are looking so grown up!

  2. What a precious prayer! Sweet little Nolan.

    Pizza hut....yummmmm....

    Can't wait to see that bathroom!

  3. So sweet of Nolan. It has been cold and we get out for a run and then inside to warm up!! Hope you have a very good weekend and stay warm.


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