Friday, October 4, 2013

my first blogiversary, & 201st post

If you look back, I have a few 2011 entries, but the name “floral & fudge”—and the motivation behind it—weren’t created until October 1st of last year. So Tuesday was my first blogiversary! And today is my 201st post :)

This was the photo collage I used on October 1, 2012:
It feels like quite a while ago!

The original goal was to make it one year. In this case, even if the blog went unread, I could still say to myself, “That was the year I blogged. I did it!”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to quit. There has been stress in preparing posts, confusion about the politics of blog friendships, and disappointment when I haven’t reached certain “milestones” I set for myself.

At these points though, I would remind myself of the reasons why I blog—the purpose behind the blog—and I would push through.

I think of my family. Except for Nolan and my mom, all of my blood relatives live 500-1000 miles away. I love that they can feel connected to my little family through frequent photos and stories.

I’ve received the best encouragement from friends—I am so grateful to those who have ever said a kind word about my blog, or shared it with a friend! It has been the fuel I’ve needed to keep posting.

I’ve grown a lot artistically as I’ve learned more about photography, web design, and personal style. I still don’t feel like I’ve found my niche yet in the blog world. I’m not sure whether to continue covering a wide range of topics like recipes/parties/fashion/books/pregnancy/crafts, or narrow it down. I’m uncertain if I have what it takes to gain a greater audience. And I wonder if I’ll ever get the opportunity to meet some of the wonderful women I’ve met through this blog.

I always have ideas swirling around in my head about what to do next. I can’t guarantee how often I’ll be able to post come January/February when the new baby arrives, but I’ll still continue to some capacity. Because at the end of the day, I really do love blogging. :)

Thank you—from the bottom of my heart—for reading! Xoxo.

And to celebrate one year, I made a new fall blog design :)


  1. Keep writing - even if it's only for yourself. Blogging/journaling are therapy for the soul. And there are plenty of us who care about your thoughts and happenings that you post on here...congratulations on achieving your goal and persevering through this year! <3

  2. yay! happy birthday blog! mine's in a few days too! small world ;)

  3. Happy Blogiversary my friend!!! You my very first comment when I started...I'll never forget that...Thankful for the blogging world that introduced me to sweet friends like you!

  4. Congratulations on your blogiversary!! It's a super awesome accomplishment.

    I feel very similar to how you do about my blog, a wide variety of topics and definitely not a "niche", but I'm totally okay with that. I write about what I like to talk about/think about/ and what we do and that makes me happy. So, all of that to say, keep doing what you're doing!

  5. So love your blog posts. And this one is no different. You are such an inspiration. Blogging is not for the weak at hear and you can tell that your heart is in it.

    It's funny how different people look at blogging. My husband says my blog is an online journal and I say blogging is relaxing and much more. Just like crafting.

    I love the new design too!

  6. I love reading your blog and keeping up to date on how your precious family is doing. Keep it up as best you can!

  7. Congrats on your one year! I'm glad to have met you in blogging world. :) Keep up the great work.

  8. Congrats and Happy Blog-anniversary! I always enjoy reading your posts :)


Thank you so much for your comments! I enjoy reading each one!


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