Happy Friday! It's been one of those weeks when it snows way too early, we find out the dog has fleas, the whole family has sore throats and runny noses, and the to-do list is never-ending. But, we push on, and we hope that this last week of October will be much better! I am ready for the weekend and some adventuring with my three guys!
If you noticed this week, I have a new domain name! You can still type in floralandfudge.blogspot.com and get redirected here. I hope it's not confusing, but floralandfudge.com was unfortunately not available. So I went with the next best thing, my name :)
I attempted to make these adorable Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops from here, but they were not so easy! Mine didn't turn out well. At least Nolan still thought they were cute! He heard me say that they looked more like the Hulk, so he kept asking for "another Hulkenstein". :)
I was a bit behind on blogging this week because I spent four nights glued to the TV while the Cubbies played the Mets in the National League Championship Series. And it went BADLY. The Cubs lost all four games. But I have so much hope for another great season next year!
On Wednesday, I shared some projects that Nolan and I worked on this week--all SPIDER themed for this Halloween season. It was so much fun to do these with him! My favorite is the spider made out his handprints :)
In yesterday's post, I reviewed Korie Robertson's new book Strong and Kind, which comes out next week! I love watching Korie on Duck Dynasty, so I knew that her book would be a great one. It's an all-encompassing parenting book about raising kids of high character. It's full of personal stories from their own family, and the values that they hold dear. You'll love it, too!
At the bottom of yesterday's post, there's an opportunity to win a copy of Strong and Kind! Check that out here.
Have a great weekend! I'm still hoping to make it to the pumpkin patch! :)
Are you following me on Instagram? @floralandfudge.
Ugh I've got a sore throat and runny nose today...so not fun! I hope I can just relax this weekend and get rid of it! Hopefully you are all feeling better now!!