Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Favorites

F R I D A Y   F A V O R I T E S 

This week has been busy! We had Steve's brother Phil and his family here until yesterday, and it was so fun to have five kids playing non-stop for four days! Ephraim and I fought off some kind of virus, and let me tell you, he is not an easy sick patient for his mommy! We're now on the upswing, thankfully, and looking forward to a weekend with shopping, a pig roast, and whatever else comes our way :)  This area is known for its fall colors, and they are ready to peak here in the next few days! I will have my camera ready, that's for sure.

Astleigh and I did an Autumn Scarf Swap with nearly twenty blogging friends, and on Wednesday, we all posted about the scarves we received. Because I have not met many of my blog friends in person, there is something so cool about sending a tangible gift to each other. This purple plaid scarf is a new favorite of mine, and it's sure to keep me warm this fall. :)

The Halloween decor went up in our house, and yesterday I shared about the cute-and-not-scary things I've started collecting. Thanks to all of you who linked up with us! I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's spooky mantels. :)

Okay, and now my FAVORITE photos of the week! Nolan and Ephraim had such a blast with their cousins! They get along so well, and they are going to MISS each other like crazy! Nolan wanted to hop in our car and follow them right after they left :)

Ages: five, four, three, nearing two, and almost one!

Silly faces!

 This last one is my very favorite. I think these two are going to be the best of friends.

I hope that you all have a fantastic weekend! 

Keep up with us this weekend on Instagram @floralandfudge.

Linking up with Andrea, and Erika.


  1. The colors are beautiful here in NY too!! My favorite was going to the dentist and having no cavities :). And taking Cocoa to the puppy park last night!!

  2. Hooray for fall fashion, beautiful decor, and family fun!! :) Have a lovely weekend, friend! xo - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

  3. There is just nothing sweeter than a bunch of cousins :) We have stair steps over here, too - 6, 5, 4, 3, (almost) 2, and (almost) 1. Such a blessing! Glad you are all feeling better.

  4. Those cousin pics are priceless!!!

  5. I just have to say that I love your header. It's fantastic :)


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