Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ephraim’s dedication


On Sunday we had baby Ephraim dedicated at church. Steve and I have decided to dedicate our boys as infants, and then let them choose when they are ready to be baptized. Dedicating them is a symbol of our commitment to raise them as Christians in a loving home with the support of a loving church. Our church is tiny and close-knit: Ephraim has many fans :)

After church, we invited both sets of grandparents, Steve’s brother David and his daughter Abagail, and our friends Rod and Jeanie to our house for lunch. We ordered two large pizzas from our favorite restaurant in town, and celebrated with cupcakes that I made the night before. Nolan was so excited to have lunch at his house with so many of his favorite people, “Everybody’s here at Nolan’s house!” (his exact words).

Ephraim Luke, we pray “ . . . that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best, and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:9-11


  1. What a special day! Love that everyone was at Nolan's house! :)

  2. Nice pics. So cool that Nolan says his own name very few young toddlers do so. :) you're so blessed.

  3. Such a beautiful time as a family! Ephraim is so loved. I love that Nolan is playing in the sandbox in his church clothes. #yesmom :)

  4. I so love this post and the act of dedicating your children. I did this with Lincoln when he was a baby, too. The pictures are beautiful!


  5. I love baby dedications. Our children's minister has one once a year for all the new babies in the church. It is so powerful to stand before the congregation and dedicate your child to the Lord. It is also great knowing you have a church family that is willing to help on the journey as well.

  6. Beautiful fam! And what a special day for you:)

  7. You were right, our churches do look the same! Crazy!


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