Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Favorites

F R I D A Y   F A V O R I T E S !

We are so happy that it’s Friday again at our house! We have some fun plans for the weekend, so that’s exciting! This morning, I have a periodontist appointment to talk about my receding gums, and I am nervous. Hopefully I’ll have good news to report on Monday!

On to the favorites. . .

Yesterday, I wrote a post about some thoughts I had on generosity. In the comments, some of you left me some wonderful ideas on how to be generous while toting around little ones. Thank you! I’m definitely planning on implementing a few of them!

I loved this very doable one from Stefanie:

”One of my favorite inexpensive things to do is drop off treats to people. When my kids or I have a doctor/dentist appointment, I pick up a box of frosted or chocolate chip cookies at the grocery store bakery, and give it to the staff when I sign in. I do the same thing when I have to visit my son and daughter's school, and I try to take cookies to our local library once a month. It really only costs me a few dollars, and it makes them so happy!”

In case you missed it, on Wednesday, I shared a thought about fashion blogging along with my favorite outfit of the week. For only $1.00, the necklace perfectly completed the outfit!  Click here to read.

I had a lot of fun reading the feedback on Monday’s nail polish post! Thanks to your recommendations, I now have a few Essie shades (Mink Muff, Ballet Slippers, Teeny Bikini) that I will be saving my pennies for!
Whatever Wanda

Today is the last day to enter the giveaway to win, “Whatever Wanda!”—a cute new children’s book by Christy Ziglar. It’s the third book in the “Shine Bright Kids” series, and we love the lessons they teach!

Last fall, I was asked to review Kara Tippetts’s book, “The Hardest Peace”, and I was drawn into her story. Her battle with breast cancer was emotional for me to read and close to my heart. Kara and I became friends on Instagram, and I loved seeing the beautiful photos of her while she savored the time she had left with her family. I was so saddened to hear that Kara passed away last weekend (at 38 years-old), leaving behind her husband and four children. She is fully healed now, with Jesus in Heaven, but she is so missed here. I loved Ann Voskamp’s blog post from the other day, “How to Recover the Lost Art of Dying Well: What Kara Tippetts Taught Us”. Definitely worth a read.

Resurrection Eggs

A year ago, I did a post about making your own Resurrection Eggs. As we’re approaching Easter weekend, I thought I’d share them again in case you want to make these with your kids or grandkids! :)


And one last favorite. . . SPAGHETTI NIGHT with babies! :)  :)  Always a fun mess to watch!

Enjoy the weekend!! Hopefully where you are, it’s feeling like SPRING :)

Follow along with me and my family on Instagram! @floralandfudge

Linking up for Friday Favorites with Erika, Andrea, & Narci.


  1. Believe it or not I had to deal with some receding gums a few years ago. We ended up doing a skin graft on my lower teeth and snipping the little frenulum piece to help keep it from happening more. Who knows if it really helped but I guess it has kept it from getting worse? I dunno. :) good luck with that!

    We love doing resurrection eggs in this house. All year long actually ;)

    1. Looks like I am on the same boat as you with my gums!
      I need to find the resurrection eggs ASAP--not sure where they got packed away :)

  2. Sorry to hear you lost a friend, I will be adding this book to my list. Have a great weekend and good luck at your appointment!

  3. I just found your blog through the link up! I love your post on fashion blogging - I can totally relate!

  4. I love that tip on giving treats when headed to appointments! I need to check out your post on generosity. I'm interested to hear the other ideas. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Isn't that great? I am definitely going to have to hand out some treats at one of our next appointments :) :)

  5. Awww, I'm glad you liked my tip! It always seems to make the office staff smile!
    Good luck at the dentist. I hope you get some good news!
    Love the spaghetti night pictures. It's a hit here, too!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. I loved all your pics on IG this week! I didn't know anything about Laura until after her passing but caught up on her blog and IG posts after learning about her. What an amazing woman who has indeed left a legacy behind in the hearts and souls of so many!

    1. Thanks Jenny!! I'm glad that you were able to read more about her--such a wonderful person!!

  7. Happy Friday, Rachel! I love the ideas you shared in #1! What a simple way to brighten the day of others!! (Side note: the lovely colors of those donuts and all those sprinkles are amazing! :)) I just clicked through to your style post and adored every lit'l bit of it! I love the Essie shades you picked up! I just purchased my first two bottles of Essie, Blossom Dandy and Perennial Chic from their new spring line and am really loving them too! A friend of mine recently introduced me to Kara's site I was so moved by the way she lived and died, glorifying our incredible Savior!! Praise God that although we are altogether undeserving, those who have repented and placed their trust in Christ have eternal hope through Him! My heart aches for Kara's family and how much the must miss her, yet I rejoice in Him that she is now whole in His presence! ... Have a wonderful weekend! I'm so glad to have come across your beautiful blog this morning through the link up! I'm officially your newest follower and look forward to enjoying your future posts! xo

    1. *Oops I meant (Good thing it's brain is tired! lol)

    2. Brenda, thank you so much for stopping by today!! I so agree about everything you said about Kara :) :)

  8. I love the tip from Stephanie! I have to start doing that! :) I need to pick up those nail colors...gorgeous!!! And about Laura....I didn't know about her or her blog until after she passed. Wow - what a lady. Have a great weekend! :)

  9. I have your generosity post bookmarked to go back and read during nap time today! Thanks for sharing about the Shine Bright books!

    1. So great!! Have a wonderful weekend, Sara!! :)

  10. Thanks for sharing the story about Kara and her wow. When I read things like this I often wonder if I am that strong, that brave....and that trusting. Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm glad you read about Kara! Hope you have an awesome weekend, too :) :)

  11. Those donuts look AMAZING! Love your cute outfit (as always!) We love resurrection eggs also. One of our friends got us a set from the Christian bookstore a few years ago! Happy Friday, Rachel!

    1. Thanks Mel!! Now I have to figure out where my Resurrection Eggs got packed away :) Hope you have a great weekend!!

  12. Loved your favorites, and so sorry about the loss of Kara. It sounds like she was an amazing person.

    1. Thanks Amy! I can't wait to meet her in heaven someday :)

  13. Great ideas on generosity. I love those resurrection eggs- so smart!! Hope you have a good weekend

  14. I love this post....I took a lot away from it today. Love the idea about dropping off treats at appointments. And I cried my way through Ann Voskamp's post earlier this week and Kara's story has been on my mind ever since. I need to read that book.

    1. You should definitely find a copy of it, Becky. I have it out on my counter, waiting to be reread. :)

  15. Resurrection eggs are so much fun!! I picked up some several years ago at Lifeway and my kids love them!


Thank you so much for your comments! I enjoy reading each one!


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